The Benefits of CBD

To discuss the benefits of CBD: Editable Benefits of CBD by Carolyn Ambacher. To see a full (but not complete) list of treated medical conditions, please see here

CBD is most popular for its ability to tackle anxiety, stress, and depression. In multiple research studies, at optimal levels, almost 80% of patients experience decreased anxiety levels while taking CBD. In patients with depression, 2/3 reported a decrease in symptoms while taking CBD. Patients with varying levels of anxiety can feel the effects of CBD. You can take CBD for prolonged periods of time or just when you’re feeling anxiety.This makes it particularly beneficial. 

CBD can help with sleep related issues. Whether you suffer from insomnia, restless leg syndrome, a racing mind, or something else, CBD can be beneficial to your sleep. In fact, the hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that controls your circadian rhythm (sleep – wake cycle), has cannabinoid receptors all over it. CBD can ensure that your body goes through the normal stages of sleep, including REM, properly, making sure you get a great night sleep.

Another great benefit of CBD is its effectiveness as a pain reliever. CBD can be used both topically and orally to treat pain. Topical ointments that contain CBD are targeted and stop pain at the surface while oral CBD products have a more widespread effect. Some people report that it is more beneficial than opioids and even helped them stop taking opioids for pain.